To Be a Fly on the Wall

I wonder how many other people out there wish they could travel back in time to see their parents at their peak?  I've heard so many stories about my parents, and their "party" days, that I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see them for myself!!  I thought I would share a few stories of my beloved parents.  To keep them fresh in my memory, and to document them for future generations, because damn it, some of these stories are funny as Hell!!

The first story that comes to mind is of my father, and his temper.  Those who know my dad know that he has the temper of the devil, and one doesn't want to get on his bad side.  Ever.  I've heard this story from more than one person, so I'm quite sure the events aren't exaggerated...much.

Apparently, my parents had a specific bar that they frequented.  I think it was Teddy Pike's Bar, but don't remember for certain.  My dad had a stool that he ALWAYS sat on.  It was an unwritten rule that it was DENNIS' stool.  When Dad walked in, the stool was vacated.  One evening, Dad walked in, and the guy on the stool didn't know about the "rule."

Dad proceeded to walk over, and let the new guy know that he was seated in the wrong place.  Now, back then, my Dad didn't cut as menacing a figure as he does today.  He is about 6' tall, but back then, was as skinny as a beanpole.  So, this dude thought that he would stand his ground.  He informed my father that he was there first, and wouldn't be leaving any time soon.  So, my father, being, well, my father....proceeded to knock the guy off of it.

This guy must have had a bit of a temper himself, because he proceeded to get up, dust himself off, and plant his butt back on the stool.  So, Dad knocked him off of it again.  This happened a few more times, when my father finally lost it entirely.  The final time he knocked him off the stool, my dad picked the stool up, walked it out the door, and placed it in the trunk of his car.  Then, he left the bar for the night.  It was HIS stool.  The Pike Bar got their stool back the next day...but Dad proved his point.  

It is stories like this that make me wish I could have seen my parents in their "hey-day"  To see them cutting loose and having fun, shooting pool and hanging with their friends.  It makes me realize how much I've missed out on life, sometimes.  Life it too short to live it with regrets.  To my young friends who think their lives are passing them by, you need to get out there and live it.  If you just sit by and watch life pass you by, you will end up in the same position I am in. I have so many things I wish I would have done, but was too scared to do, or too worried about consequences.  I have vowed to not let life keep passing me by.  This is why I'm heading back to school!!  There are many more things that I plan to check off my bucket list before I die, if I'm allowed to hang around long enough to do so.

It is time to get out there and grab life by the horns!!  I want to have cool stories to share with my kids.  Granted, the above story  may not be the most mature, but it is an example of living the life YOU WANT to live, not the one someone tells you that you HAVE to live.  I forsee many life changes in the next few years.  I'm done with regrets.

Love, Happiness and Pet hair!!



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