Hunter's First Health Scare
Things have been pretty crazy at the temporary zoo. On Sunday July 1st, I started feeling unwell. Really unwell. Nothing tasted right, I didn't have an appetite and my stomach was consistently rolling. Mom allowed me to head to bed about 6, and by 10, I was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain god. It continued all night, and the next morning, I was still not feeling better, AT ALL. I ended up in the ER getting doped up with Phenergen, and getting IV fluids. Count this as Day One missed at work.
The next day, while I was feeling a tiny bit better, Hunter awoke with a nasty cough. Not just a small cough. A nasty, noisy, wheezy, take-your-breath-away cough. I had NEVER heard him like that. Not only could he not breathe, he couldn't see either. Both of his eyes were matted shut with nasty green goo. I took him into his Pediatricians office that day to have him evaluated. She didn't think he had pneumonia, but he had an ear infection in one ear, and an eye infection in both eyes. She diagnosed him with the H-flu. A nasty viral flu that can cause all of the above symptoms. She prescribed a nebulizer and Augmentin. Even though his infection was viral, his ear and eyes were infected, and she wanted to cover him so it didn't turn into pneumonia. Before we left the office, he received his first treatment, and I called mom to find out if she still had a nebulizer at home, so I wouldn't have to stop and pick one up. I called her twice in quick succession, as she didn't answer, and the doctor was waiting for me to find out so she could write the script. When mom finally answered, she sounded rather strained, but I didn't have time to ask questions.
I called mom as we were leaving the doctors office, and she admitted to me that while she was rushing to grab her phone that was on the kitchen counter charging, she didn't see a beaded necklace of Alexa's laying in the middle of the floor. She slid on it, and came down hard directly on her kneecap. She said it was instantly swollen, and she had trouble moving it.
When I arrived home, I took one look at her knee and knew that she either tore or broke something. It was already discoloring, was twice the normal size and filling with fluid by the minute. I shooed her off to the Walk-In for evaluation. She called back about an hour later. She had broken her kneecap in half.
For those who don't know, Mom has been a great help to us by watching one child for me during the day while I work, and I take the other to Daycare. This has helped us greatly, because we couldn't afford full time daycare for both kids at the same time until I was made full time at work. After her injury, Mom was placed in an immobilizer with strict instructions to keep it elevated and to check back in SIX weeks. Consider this Day Two missed at work, and out one sitter for a sick child who could not return to daycare until he was asymptomatic. Hunter was still not improved on Thursday, so Day Three missed of work.
Hunter was up coughing all of Friday night and into the early morning hour on Saturday. He was on day four of his strong antibiotics, and I figured that he shouldn't be WORSENING. I took him to the ER, and it was discovered that Hunter had developed full-blown pneumonia. But, his O2 levels were stable, so they added Zithromax to his medication list, and sent us home.
On Monday, I returned to work. Ken offered to stay home and take care of Hunter, as he was still not improving, and needed to follow up again with the pediatrician. I got a phone call from Ken at work around 11 a.m. Hunter was being admitted to the hospital. His O2 levels were all over the place. Every fiber in my mommy being wanted to rush to my baby. Yet, I stayed at work to prepare a training curriculum for a training that was scheduled the following day. I completed this curriculum by 1 p.m., and then rushed out to be with my little man. Before I left, I stopped at the HR office to ask about FMLA. I found out that I am exactly 50 hours short of qualifying for Federal FMLA, so they could not guarantee job protection. Day Four missed. I walked out the door knowing I was pretty much screwed.
I spent the night with Hunter at the hospital. He received nebs throughout the night every two hours, and finally his O2 levels stabilized. We were released at about 7 p.m. Tuesday night (Day 5). I contacted my boss that evening, and let her know that I wouldn't be back the remainder of the week. I asked that she contact me as soon as possible so we could discuss my options.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I called work every day, and never received a call back in return. As of the weekend, Hunter was still not feeling better. I was unable to go to work with a child who was receiving neb treatments every three hours all day and throughout the night, mom was unable to help because of her leg and he was in no shape for daycare.
Fast forward to the follwing Monday. I finally received a call back from my boss. It was not a good telephone call. Very long conversation made short, I would need to figure something out, and get back within TWO WEEKS starting the following Monday, or disciplinary actions would be taken. She stated that I needed to do some "soul searching" and decide what was the most "important" for myself and my family. I would love to say that being with my children is the most important...but I believe that FEEDING them is rather important, and may actually trump BEING with them. But I was given little choice. After talking to my husband at length, we decided that I needed to resign. I could not guarantee that I wouldn't be absent again. Given Hunter's disability, it would be wishful thinking to make that type of guarantee. Even having a HEALTHY child in daycare, I could not make that guarantee. I resigned my position on July 18th.
So, here I sit, jobless, and trying desperately to be admitted into the Rasmussen College Nursing program. I'm also searching for a job that will allow me to work weekends only. The only good part about all of this, is that Hunter is finally feeling a little better, and today we found out that he is NOT aspirating when he swallows, which is a huge relief. This will also give me the opportunity to finish my degree - provided I make it into the program - and will allow me to work with Hunter daily on exercises and therapy, something that should keep him ahead of the game. I will also get to spend quality time with my dear little Alexa, and my amazing Cade, who are both growing up WAY too fast. I've always been jealous of the fact that someone else has always raised my children because I had to work. Now is my chance to do it on my own. Wish me luck....I'm going to need it!!

Love, Happiness and Pethair,
The next day, while I was feeling a tiny bit better, Hunter awoke with a nasty cough. Not just a small cough. A nasty, noisy, wheezy, take-your-breath-away cough. I had NEVER heard him like that. Not only could he not breathe, he couldn't see either. Both of his eyes were matted shut with nasty green goo. I took him into his Pediatricians office that day to have him evaluated. She didn't think he had pneumonia, but he had an ear infection in one ear, and an eye infection in both eyes. She diagnosed him with the H-flu. A nasty viral flu that can cause all of the above symptoms. She prescribed a nebulizer and Augmentin. Even though his infection was viral, his ear and eyes were infected, and she wanted to cover him so it didn't turn into pneumonia. Before we left the office, he received his first treatment, and I called mom to find out if she still had a nebulizer at home, so I wouldn't have to stop and pick one up. I called her twice in quick succession, as she didn't answer, and the doctor was waiting for me to find out so she could write the script. When mom finally answered, she sounded rather strained, but I didn't have time to ask questions.
I called mom as we were leaving the doctors office, and she admitted to me that while she was rushing to grab her phone that was on the kitchen counter charging, she didn't see a beaded necklace of Alexa's laying in the middle of the floor. She slid on it, and came down hard directly on her kneecap. She said it was instantly swollen, and she had trouble moving it.
When I arrived home, I took one look at her knee and knew that she either tore or broke something. It was already discoloring, was twice the normal size and filling with fluid by the minute. I shooed her off to the Walk-In for evaluation. She called back about an hour later. She had broken her kneecap in half.
For those who don't know, Mom has been a great help to us by watching one child for me during the day while I work, and I take the other to Daycare. This has helped us greatly, because we couldn't afford full time daycare for both kids at the same time until I was made full time at work. After her injury, Mom was placed in an immobilizer with strict instructions to keep it elevated and to check back in SIX weeks. Consider this Day Two missed at work, and out one sitter for a sick child who could not return to daycare until he was asymptomatic. Hunter was still not improved on Thursday, so Day Three missed of work.
Hunter was up coughing all of Friday night and into the early morning hour on Saturday. He was on day four of his strong antibiotics, and I figured that he shouldn't be WORSENING. I took him to the ER, and it was discovered that Hunter had developed full-blown pneumonia. But, his O2 levels were stable, so they added Zithromax to his medication list, and sent us home.
On Monday, I returned to work. Ken offered to stay home and take care of Hunter, as he was still not improving, and needed to follow up again with the pediatrician. I got a phone call from Ken at work around 11 a.m. Hunter was being admitted to the hospital. His O2 levels were all over the place. Every fiber in my mommy being wanted to rush to my baby. Yet, I stayed at work to prepare a training curriculum for a training that was scheduled the following day. I completed this curriculum by 1 p.m., and then rushed out to be with my little man. Before I left, I stopped at the HR office to ask about FMLA. I found out that I am exactly 50 hours short of qualifying for Federal FMLA, so they could not guarantee job protection. Day Four missed. I walked out the door knowing I was pretty much screwed.
I spent the night with Hunter at the hospital. He received nebs throughout the night every two hours, and finally his O2 levels stabilized. We were released at about 7 p.m. Tuesday night (Day 5). I contacted my boss that evening, and let her know that I wouldn't be back the remainder of the week. I asked that she contact me as soon as possible so we could discuss my options.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I called work every day, and never received a call back in return. As of the weekend, Hunter was still not feeling better. I was unable to go to work with a child who was receiving neb treatments every three hours all day and throughout the night, mom was unable to help because of her leg and he was in no shape for daycare.
Fast forward to the follwing Monday. I finally received a call back from my boss. It was not a good telephone call. Very long conversation made short, I would need to figure something out, and get back within TWO WEEKS starting the following Monday, or disciplinary actions would be taken. She stated that I needed to do some "soul searching" and decide what was the most "important" for myself and my family. I would love to say that being with my children is the most important...but I believe that FEEDING them is rather important, and may actually trump BEING with them. But I was given little choice. After talking to my husband at length, we decided that I needed to resign. I could not guarantee that I wouldn't be absent again. Given Hunter's disability, it would be wishful thinking to make that type of guarantee. Even having a HEALTHY child in daycare, I could not make that guarantee. I resigned my position on July 18th.
So, here I sit, jobless, and trying desperately to be admitted into the Rasmussen College Nursing program. I'm also searching for a job that will allow me to work weekends only. The only good part about all of this, is that Hunter is finally feeling a little better, and today we found out that he is NOT aspirating when he swallows, which is a huge relief. This will also give me the opportunity to finish my degree - provided I make it into the program - and will allow me to work with Hunter daily on exercises and therapy, something that should keep him ahead of the game. I will also get to spend quality time with my dear little Alexa, and my amazing Cade, who are both growing up WAY too fast. I've always been jealous of the fact that someone else has always raised my children because I had to work. Now is my chance to do it on my own. Wish me luck....I'm going to need it!!

Love, Happiness and Pethair,
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