Warm Fall Days!

This has been a wonderful few weeks to be living in Wisconsin. The weather has been nicer since fall started than it was the entire summer! Perfect, sunny 78 degree days with a beautiful breeze! Couldn't have asked for anything better as the kids and I traveled to Ken's Dad's home in Rhinelander.

His dad lives on a beautiful lake in the middle of the woods. Most people had already packed their lakehomes up for the winter, so it was very peaceful without the FIB's!!! The dogs spent most of their time in the lake, and the kids both enjoyed watching them chase after their buoys. Alexa didn't care for the dogs shaking water near her after, but she sure loved to watch Bella sail off the dock. Bella is my Lab/Wirehaired Pointer mix that I got from a good friend. She is beautiful, sweet, loveable and very annoying most of the time, as she thinks she needs to be the center of attention for everything. I still love her to pieces though, and jumping in the lake has become her new favorite activity.

It was so nice to enjoy the weekend with the entire family. Living in separate cities is so difficult. Ken stays with his dad in Rhinelander with the furry family, and I stay with my mom in Schofield with Alexa. Because school is in session, Cade stays primarily with his daddy so he can get back and forth to school, so I only see him 2 weekends a month. I cannot wait for our house to be completed so I can finally have my entire family back together!!! Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but it also causes its share of heartaches too.

We also had our ultrasound two weeks ago, and found out that our new little addition is going to be a boy! Our family is finally going to be complete, and we look forward to his arrival in February. I guess I need to go baby clothes shopping in the near future! I only have girl stuff! Doesn't hurt my feelings too much though. :)

Well, time to sign off again, hopefully it wont be so long until the next update on our little zoo!! Enjoy the picture of my Bella taking a big leap off the pier...

Love, Happiness and Pethair!



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