Happy New Year!

Well, 2009 has finally arrived, and with it, brought some feelings of hope. It was nice to have a day off of work, and I spent most of that day being lazy, reading a book, or watching movies with my husband.

The night before bothered me, as by the time I arrived home from work my husband was already drunk, and we still had plans to go out for the evening. I generally don't mind, except that when he is as wasted as he was, he tends to act stupid and do things that can be pretty embarrassing. Even though he drank more than his share, he still had a wonderful dinner cooked up which included crab legs and baked potatoes. He even had most of the dishes done by the time I arrived home!

We did, however, go about our plans, and met up with friends of ours to hang out and play cards. Thankfully, the hubby slowed down, and managed to participate in the evening, with little to no stupid comments. We really did have a great time, and I'm glad that we went.

The next day, we both slept until pretty late, me being VERY late...not arising until almost noon. I was asked by my husband what my New Year's resolution was. I told him that after my heart is fixed, I plan to spend as much time at the YMCA as possible. You see, I work for a hospital, and this hospital has a contract with the YMCA, so we get a great discount for having a membership, AND it gets taken out of our paychecks. Its a great deal. I've always been overweight, especially since my son was born 6 years ago. I had lost over 25 lbs due to a long illness, but have put it back on. My goal is to be able to wear the bikini that I bought this fall at Fashion Bug, during one of their awesome sales.

Back to the resolutions, HIS is to cut way back on drinking, and start drinking more water! I've heard him make promises like these in the past, but so far he is keeping to his word. He and I wish to get started on a family of our own, and we discovered very recently that because of his alcohol issues, he is not producing enough semen. What he has is good, its just not enough. To remedy this, the doctor stated that he needed to drink very little alcohol and caffiene, and plenty of fluids, especially water. I'm hoping this is the start of him getting on the right track. Maybe this new year will be positive in many ways. One can always start with a positive attitude. So, here goes!

Love, Happiness and Pethair!!



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