
Showing posts from August, 2012

The light at the end of the tunnel. Light? Or just an oncoming train?

In my previous post, I expressed some serious darkness that had been building up inside of me.  It was not my intention to offend anyone, but it was however, my way of getting what was building up out.  There is a line of a song that really hits home for me:   " 2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song/ If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,  Threatening the life it belongs to." (Anna Nalick - 2 a.m.)   This blog has become therapy for me.  It helps me to just throw everything out to just see where it lands.  It helps.   Because of my last post, a great friend (you know who you are) hooked me up with a friend of hers who has a child with a disability, who has also lived a difficult life, and who was willing to sit down and talk to me.  The ability to vent to her, to someone who TRULY understands, was a wonderful feeling.  She was harsh in some aspects of my darkness, but understanding.  This is what I ...

Sick of the Positive

This weekend was an eventful one for our little zoo.  Myself and the kids traveled to the Chicago area to see their Grandmother and Great-Grandmother.  We packed the days full of activity, and had a wonderful time.  I think the Brookfield Zoo was our favorite, as neither Alexa nor I had ever been to a zoo before!!  Hunter doesn't count, because he won't remember.  I'm not sure Alexa will either, but we have tons of pictures to remind her!! While we walked around the zoo, it was hard NOT to notice all the parents and children.  All of the parents and their NORMAL children.  People with three or four kids, with not one noticeable disability among them.  I became angry.  Was I really asking for too much to have a nice, normal family?  Hasn't our family struggled enough?  What did I do wrong to deserve this?  And it just kept getting worse. Call me obsessed, but every time I see a child around Hunter's age who is doin...